Friday, March 26, 2010
ari nie kuar beli barang persiapan utk birthday party utk amsyar...pnaz pergi beli balloon di Belloon Ooi di Taman Taming Jaya,Balakong.....beli kudapan for the kids....actually befday amsyar is on 20 Mac 2010...ditundakan sebab pada 19 Mac tue amsyar sepatutnya di'sunat'kan...tapi cancel coz dier ader selsema, so doc bius suggest on 16/4 nie utk operation....jadiklah majlisnya lewat seminggu...oklah tue....this is de first time buat majlis since amsyar pun dah byk kawan sekitar taman tue....lagipun die dah faham.....just hang around with neighbour,say hi to each other....maser nielah nak beramah mesra....nantikan lah gambar secara amatur yer....ari khamis depan coz isnin - rabu pnaz ader kerja luar...tue pun kalau hujung minggu nie tak bz boleh lah citer nanti..insyallah....
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Premium Beautiful

n3 kali nie,nak citer mengenai kebaikan memakai PB nie.....
1. Boleh membakar 900 kalori dengan hanya memakai shj selama 1 jam
ini disebabkan terdapat FIR dlm PB melancarkan perjalanan darah badan kita.FIR ini mengaktifkan proses metabolisme dan aktiviti enzin dlm badan, juga memecahkan selulit, merawat kulit merekah, memecahkan lemak. Pemakaian selama 8 jam nyata dapat memberi bentuk badan yg ideal yg penting MAINTAIN ....
2. Boleh membetulkan posture kita, membantu membetulkan sistem penafasan, mencantikkan kulit (awek muda), boleh juga menghilangkan keputihan......
setakat ygy Pnaz pakai,hasilnya adalah dpt mengurangkan 2 inci di pinggang dan juga flabby di belakang bdn....serta di perut( tang perut nie sensitif)..sbb susah ..degil lemak kat perut nie..kukuikuikuikuikui.....tapi akan diusahakan .....oklah tue ajer....
oopppss: jgn salah faham, pnaz bukan dealer yer....hanya berkongsi ajer..kepada saper ajer yg hendak tahu akan kebaikan PB nie...oklah....
It's Back.....
Last night, I got my full desire to cut my fabric which my asben has bought this cotton for me a month ago. Before this, I have told you that the last bajukurung i've made was bigger for me, then last night i've made some alteration with my pola @ template.....just wait for sewing edge, maybe's some of the pic....

template for my body...

cut for your sleeves
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Kek Coklat
nie resepi segera utk buat kek coklat....senang,ringkas dan jimat
4 biji telur
Mix coklat kek
minyak jagung(pnaz gantikan ngan 1/2 butter)
susu cair...seterusnya
ikut instruction bawah nie yer....
Barbeque LAGI...........
Mlm smlm.....we all ber'barbeque'....kali nie di Rumah Acu aka adik Ibu.....sempena.....Busu dah we all sebagai guest dtg dlm kul 6.30 ptg....ingatkan dah berasap...lom lagi....hujan plak turun....jadik barbeque depan rumah gamaknya........ada ikan kerapu,ikan siakap,ikan jenahak,ikan cencaru, ikan kembung,udang bersaiz l,xl, daer kupang,ayam golek dan pnaz buatkan kek coklat sebagai buah nak resepi kek coklatnya kat the pic......
batrisyia n nenek
Thursday, March 11, 2010
JoM PeSTa BuKU 2010

Jom kita pergi Pesta Buku 2010......pernah bawak amsyar ke Pesta nie...haru dibuatnya..mcm2 nak dibelinya...time tue tinggal alya kat nurseri (still baby lagi) n asben ader kerja.....kali nie nak bawak sekali alya...ntah mcm maner plak ragamnya.....every year akan ramai pengunjung.....nak handle this 2 soldier.......kenalah byk bersabar ngan keadaan bersesak tue......aimed of coz utk anak2....n utk mamanya...nak kumpul buku craft.....
tak nak citer panjang (walhal takder idea nie...)..jom serbu ramai-ramai ke
PESTA BUKU 2010, PWTC dari 19 -28 March nie....
(cehhh iklan free jer nie).....
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Wedding NAzman
last weekend asben niece wedding at Dewan Lembah Keramat....the theme was Hijau Petronaz...mostly during weddin'....we take this opportunity meet other relatives....n what make this wedding special coz..there is have a special 'stall'...which served 'Aiskrim Goyang'....all my BIL(brother in-law)....have tried to'goyang'kan this 'machine i guessed....n that is the favourite spot from the youngest to eldest....enjoy de' pic....
plz find me......??
NorMal VieW DuriNg WeeKEnd

it seems like your huz during weekend.....isn't?..............
as usual after tiring clean up my huz in the early morning(usually 8.00-9.00 am I do finished touch up my living room)....
untill ....
this 2 little soldier came down n throw out all the things from the basket.....n
start to pull out the chairs...
to play hide n's really make me dizzy......
BUT.....the good thing.....
they will pack all the stuff into the basket.....put back the chairs.....but not really in order...they do that, coz they do not want their mama become a TARZAN....

Transform 2....
yup...recently i like to explore new thing.....SEWING....i saw this tutorial which teach me not to throw away your little rompers but transform it to dress...i've tried it..n believe me it's make me satisfied coz ...yuhuhuhuh....i've make my own dress for my doter....
first cut at the bottom of rompers...(dah kecik tak muat nak butangkan)
i used this printed jersey as the bottom, sew together with the upper rompers... batrisyia can wear the 'new'dress
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Late again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ARghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's has been a week i didn't update any news in here....kind a bz such things that i have must finished it by this,baju kurung..sunny dress (for my doter)..but i'm also lazy to finish it.....wuahuawuahauh....plz..come back my enthusiasm...
recently, my fren request the placemat..but I have to figure out the cost first before I agree to take this challenge...
last weekend i'm supposed to play a netball for MAKSWIP at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa...but there's an emergency call from Malacca... have 2 go back at Friday's night...since we'are in hometown last we decided to install Air-Cond (Samsung) my bedroom (my mom huz)...I tell you, Malacca's weather is very hot than KL...
this week started quite ok for me...but yesterday and today aren't my day.......yesterday I came late to the office..around 8.15 a.m....because of the crazy traffic jam....and TODAY...I'm late AGAIN.....sigh...sigh......should i shift to 8.30 am or be a housewife.....hehehehhhehehe( i preferred the 2nd choice...) can finished my projects....hhahahaha..wish to be like sis eynda,sis anja, sis ME....
recently, my fren request the placemat..but I have to figure out the cost first before I agree to take this challenge...
last weekend i'm supposed to play a netball for MAKSWIP at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa...but there's an emergency call from Malacca... have 2 go back at Friday's night...since we'are in hometown last we decided to install Air-Cond (Samsung) my bedroom (my mom huz)...I tell you, Malacca's weather is very hot than KL...
this week started quite ok for me...but yesterday and today aren't my day.......yesterday I came late to the office..around 8.15 a.m....because of the crazy traffic jam....and TODAY...I'm late AGAIN.....sigh...sigh......should i shift to 8.30 am or be a housewife.....hehehehhhehehe( i preferred the 2nd choice...) can finished my projects....hhahahaha..wish to be like sis eynda,sis anja, sis ME....
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